Tuesday, January 29, 2019

advocating to recover

Therefore, I am advocating to recover, review and / or reactualize the contents worked so far by feminists around the different essentialist explanations of female subordination, around this re-naturalization of women, also adapting the debates to a society that has changed with respect to how it perceives us and treats us. A society that has been incorporating but also co-opting many of the ideas and alternatives offered by feminism Keto Max Burn, and that has also reacted to them, generating new ideologies and new forms of control and medical power, in which sometimes feminist professionals we see trapped Likewise,

But all of the above will not be possible if we do not articulate much better among all of us, specialists or not, equating the opinions and points of view of each one and redefining and reconfiguring, therefore, the feminist field of health as a whole. Health should be a theme of all, not a few. This also brings us to the need for interdisciplinarity, both in the diagnostic / analysis phase and in the application of knowledge and assistance: thinking about how to implement this old feminist methodological principle is perhaps the main priority now,

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